We're so very excited about this season.. Just wanted to give you a small taste of the evolution of the show and the incredible people that will participate in this season.. Get ready for episode 1.. It's just a week away!..
Throughout the insanity of making Reality TV over the last few years, I've grown to really love the process, all the amazing people and fans I've met, and all the moments I've been able to experience.
I wanted to share a glimpse into some of the conversations, food, fun and insanity thats become my life...
This web series will be an ever-evolving process. Over the coming weeks we'll be adding new episodes weekly and listening to your feedback to create a unique web show for you..
We're here to entertain you, teach you and inspire you.
Please share you thoughts on how we may continue to (E)volve...
In the end, this is for you. The Fans...