Nudge your Real Estate Career in 2015




In this chat video Kevin and Key discuss the program that just ended in 2014, and the Advanced Real Estate Program to come in 2015. The i-FAStTRAC Real Estate Training Program is a Broker directed course that occurs live in the Main Office Location and spans 3 months on alternate weeks.
The 24 Live Sessions are divided between Master Trainer Kevin Ahearn, and Internet Strategist Key Yessaad. Each session is 3 hours long and is not a Webinar - it is live and interactive and forces agents to think, ask questions, and enhance their Real Estate Career. Sessions take place Mondays and Tuesdays with Kevin, and Wednesdays and Thursdays with Key from 1pm to 4pm Eastern.
Each Session comes with a 15-page or so handout, quizzes, assignments, and a focus on implementation not just intellectual learning. Participants have to fill-in the handout and are requested to discuss their progress with their Broker. On alternate weeks with no training, agents are given assignments to implement what they have learned and ask questions and request support.
Here are the 4 sessions that will take place starting Monday January 5th, 2015:
Session #1: Understanding the Real Estate Business and Goal Setting with Kevin (Monday Jan 5th)
Session #2: Effective Time Management for Real Estate Success with Kevin (Tuesday Jan 6th)
Session #3: Your Technology Communication Tools and Time Management with Key (Wednesday Jan 7th)
Session #4: Internet Marketing, The Psychology of Search Engines, and Indexing with Key (Thursday Jan 8th)
Our Team at Live Interactive wishes all of you a Merry Christmas and a Joyful End of Year Celebrations - we look forward to seeing you in January 2015.
For a complete Syllabus of the i-FAStTRAC Real Estate Training Course please visit:
pricing details:
i-FAStTRAC Real Estate Training Program
with Trainers Kevin Ahearn and Key Yessaad
Call us: (407) 331-5738

插件 08 May 2017